1. Harlan M. Roman Republican Moneyers and Their Coins 81BCE - 64 BCE. - ПРОДАНО
2. Mattingly H.B. From Coins to History: Selected Numismatic Studies - 5000 рублей.
3. Stumpf G.R. Numismatische Studien zur Chronologie der römischen Statthalter in Kleinasien (122 v. Chr. - 163 n. Chr.) - 2500 рублей.
отличный каталог проконсульских кистофоров Малой Азии и вообще провинциальной чеканки.
4. Crawford M. Roman Republican Coin hoards - 3000 рублей.
5. Thompson M. The Agrinion hoard - 1800 рублей.
огромный клад римских республиканских денариев и афинских тетрадрахм "Нового стиля" - основа для датировки последних.
6. American Journal of Numismatic №7-8 - 2000 рублей
Michael Ierardi. The Tetradrachms of Agathocles of Syracuse: A Preliminary Study
David Sellwood. The “Victory” Drachms of Phraates IV
Ed Dobbins. Countermarked Characene Tetradrachms of Attambelos IV
Richard G. McAlee. Vespasian’s Syrian Provincial Coinage
William E. Metcalf and William J. Fulco, S. J. Coins from the Excavations at Tell Nimrin
Y. T. Nercessian. Two Silver Coins of Gosdantin III of Cilician Armenia
Neziiii Aykut. Some Coins of Mas’ud I, Qilijarslan II, and the Maliks
John M. Kleeberg. Reconstructing the Beach-Grunthal Hoard of Counterfeit Halfpence: The Montclair, New Jersey (1922) Hoard
Paul T. Keyser. Greco-Roman Alchemy and Coins of Imitation Silver
Giles F. Carter. The Chronology of Augustan Asses and Quadrantes Determined from Chemical Compositions
Book Reviews
7. American Journal of Numismatic №16-17 - 2500 рублей
William S. Bubelis. An overstruck stater of the Cypriot kingdom of Salamis
Peter G. van Alfen. Herodotus’ “Aryandic” silver and bullion use in Persian-period Egypt
Peter G. van Alfen. A new Athenian “owl” and bullion hoard from the Near East
Paolo Visonà. Twenty-two Alexanders in Ann Arbor
Elena Stolyarik. Silver coinage of the Bosporan King Spartocus: the problem of attribution
Richard B. Witschonke and Michel Amandry. Another Fimbria cistophorus
Sophia Kremydi-Sicilianou. Multiple hoards of the second century AD from the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios at Dion (Macedonia)
Michael Fedorov. New data on monetary circulation in medieval Andūkān and Sheljī: coins from the Andizhanskoe and Kirovskoe vodokhranilishche
Eric J. Hanne. Death on the Tigris: a numismatic analysis of the decline of the Great Saljuqs
David Yoon. Counting tokens from the excavations at Psalmodi (Gard, France)
Oliver D. Hoover. A note on the typology of the St. Patrick coinage in its Restoration context
Christoph Rosenmüller. Silver merchants and assayers’ marks: the visita of 1729–1730 and the reform of the Mexican mint
Scott H. Miller. The ANS Lincoln Memorial medal: a reexamination
Pierre Atallah, Michael Kuntz, Renee Kuzava, Jennifer Ferguson, Vincent Iduma, and Mark Benvenuto. Elemental compositions of some of the Annamese coins of Emperor Thanh Thai via energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence
Jules Janick and Judith B. Santini. Street money: distribution and analysis
Peter G. van Alfen, Elena Stolyarik, Sebastian Heath, Michael L. Bates, and Robert W. Hoge. Acquisitions for 2003 and 2004 in the American Numismatic Society Collection
8. ANS Museum Notes №14 - 1200 рублей.
Bacharach, Jere L. A few unpublished Mamluk Dirhems
Brand, John D. Notes on Numismatic Collections in museums. 8. Maidstone Museum
Bates, George E. Three Byzantine Notes.
Bedoukian, Paul Z. A classification of the coins of the artaxid Dynasty of Armenia.
Bates, George E. A Byzantine hoard from Coelesyria.
Lang, Mabel. Five Hellenistic lead weights.
Metcalf, D. M. The reformed folles of Theophilus� their styles and localization.
Miles, George C. Two unpublished Arab-Sasanian dirhems of 'Abdullah b. Umayyah.
MacKay, Pierre. Bronze coinage in Macedonia, 168-166 B.C.
MacKay, Pierre. Macedonian tetradrachms of 148-147 B.C.
Lowick, N. M. A�Samanid Kakwayhid "mule".
9. ANS Museum Notes №29 - 1800 рублей
- Badian, Ernst. Q. OPPIVS. PR.
- Bartusis, Mark C. A seal of Nikephoros Votaneiates.
- Bendall, Simon. Longuet's Salonica hoard reexamined.
- Hahn, Wolfgang R. O. The numismatic evidence for the reconstruction of the Aksumite royal line.
- Balog, Paul. An unusual Fatamid glass weight / Paul Balog.
- Broome, Michael. A Florentine restrike taler.
- Hersh, Charles. The Mesagne hoard / by Charles Hersh and Alan Walker (extremely important for Roman Republican collectors, Kroh p. 67, 4 stars).
- Doty, Richard G. The North Carolina railroad hoard.
- Harl, Kenneth W. The coinage of Neapolis in Samaria, A.D. 244-53.
- Kagan, Jonathan H. Hellenistic coinage at Scepsis after its refoundation in the third century B.C.
- Houghton, Arthur. Some early far northeastern Seleucid mints.
- McAlee, Richard G. The Severan tetradrachms of Laodicea.
- Morkholm, Otto. The chronology of the new style coinage of Athens. (very important work, Kroh p. 36, 4 stars)
- Rizack, Martin A. A coin with the Aramaic legend SHRW, a king-governor of LIHYAN.
10. Bauslaugh R. Silver Coinage with the Types of Aesillas the Quaestor - 2000 рублей.
11. Powell A., Welch K. Sextus Pompeius - 3500 рублей
12. Keppie L. The Making of the Roman Army - 1500 рублей
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